.watch out.

Friday, February 1


where is your sivik?

the question that always come to my mind setiap kali somebody else persoalkan pendapat / pandangan / komen orang lain.

its not about that LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN thing. no no no.

stop talking about that. let's talk about our daily life.


ada yang benci tapi cool.
ada yang benci tapi uncool.
ada yang suka tapi cool.
ada yang suka tapi uncool.


as we all know that, we have the right to love and hate things according to our own. BUT! you must remember that, keep in your mind that NOT EVERYONE WOULD LIKE EVERYTHING YOU LIKE.

suka. like.
satu perkara yang sangat subjektif. kalau kita boleh apply that perkataan SUBJEKTIF tu sama macam kita apply dekat BEAUTY.HANDSOME.CANTIK.COMEL dan sebagainya kenapa tak boleh apply dalam soal ni pulak?

apply bende ni dalam kehidupan seharian kita juga.
macam makanan, bukan semua suka

nasi lemak

roti canai

let me admit. i dont like that second picture. not only the picture but the food. in fact, 2 of us in my family, me and my younger sister, dislike this food. but the rest, its their fav. well, never ever me and my sister against when our family have that as a breakfast. 


let's not play safe this time. sivik as i know, ade belajar right subjek ni kat sekolah. part yang paling aku ingat time belajar sivik dulu adalah: 

"kita haruslah menerima pendapat dan pandangan orang lain kerana setiap orang mempunyai pendapat dan pandangan masing masing"

muka surat berapa dan tajuk apa dalam buku teks tu aku tak ingat. but phrase yang lebih kurang macam ni memang ada dalam buku tu. 

kadang kadang golongan yang dalam golongan suka tapi uncool ni yang banyak buat masalah. they always nak semua orang pun suka apa pon yang dorang suka. boleh suka. jangan fanatik sangat. just dont ok. hey guys, life is not like that you know. one thing je aku nak tanya "do you like other girl/boy in love your boyfriend/ girlfriend too? do you?"

but sometime. golongan yang benci tapi uncool ni pon satu hal jugak. yes, you hate it. so what? nak bagi pandangan atau tentangan bukan tak boleh. yes you can. silakan. dialu alukan. but guys, do it in the manners. show your manners. itu baru la betul. bukan dengan caci maki hamun segala binatang nak sebut semua. not not not. tak manis gitu.

well, bebelan aku sampai sini saja. remember 
"we share the same round moon, the same warm sun and the same world. why not we all share the same love?"


i don't know what's in your mind

speak out your mind
so that i know.

its rather simple to let it out
then keep it to yourself.

most of the time
you hurt more for the unspoken feeling
then the spoken one.
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